Goes down for hearing taken back at the border with the administrative court of Paris. The deputy judge only sits in this room which blow seems too large. He asks his greffière to call the file following.
- “File number 07-123456, Mr I. against the prefect of police force”.
The president takes the file of Mr I. while a lawyer rises and beckoned with his customer to come to take seat at his sides. It is about an African of about thirty year, vêtu of bric and pitcher, clothing of second hand which an association found to him caritative, and with the face curiously serene compared to those twisted of anguish from other abroad whose future is played today.
The president briefly informs the business. Mr I. was controlled by the police force whereas it was momentary of a vehicle which had just roasted a red light. Placed in police custody, it was the subject of a prefectoral decree of renewed at border (APRF). The judge of freedoms and detention cancelled the procedure of interpellation bus as it was only momentary vehicle, the police force did not have any legal reason to control his identity. He was thus given in freedom, but that is without incidence on the decree of renewed at the border. Mr I. is Senegalese, of Casamance. He has been in France for five years, only. Its family remained in Senegal. It already asked papers, but they were refused to him.
Questioned on the reasons of its presence in France, it declared during the police custody (the procedure was cancelled in vain, she is produced in front of the administrative court, it is completely legal…) that it had promised in marriage one in its village, but it did not have enough good to be able to marry it and make it live with dignity as a good Moslem must do it. Then it came to France, where it works with the black in the building. Its employer, who is present in the room, explains that it made in vain steps so that it is regularized: the prefecture of Police force opposes the employment picture to him, saying that there is of the French to unemployment who could occupy the station of Mr I. the employer answered to the prefect that it would know liking to agree to him to communicate their name to him and addresses, because he has sought workmen in a continuous way for two years. Prefecture answered forever.
The judge calls on the lawyer, who raises desperate arguments: he disputes the legality of the delegation of signature of the signatory of the APRF (the prefecture of police force produces the decree of delegation of signature which is valid) and calls upon a disproportionate infringement of the right to a life private and family, but the argument does not hold: he has of the family in Senegal, it even promised in marriage one there. All that it has in its favour, they is five years of presence on the territory. But it is alone: it faithful to its is promised and lives like a monk. Its life, it is work, to rest in a room in a hearth, all that it can save being sent to its family in Senegal.
The judge, before closing the debates, asks Mr I. if it has something to add.
“Yes. ” known as Mr I, of a way posed. It is the first time that it speaks about the audience. Its lawyer even started.
The president says to him: “I listen to you”.
“I have been here for five years. I work, I do not disturb anybody, I do not make of evil to anybody. I would like that my been engaged can join me here, because I miss it. If not, when I gain enough money, I will turn over in Casamance, but it is hard over there”.
A silence. It begins again, of a voice this time a little more trembling.
“I know that France has a large heart. All that I ask him, it is of me there to make a small place”.
A long silence falls down on the courtroom.
The president ends up breaking it, while smiling sadly to Mr I.
“The business is put on of deliberated, the judgement will be returned at the end of the day”.
The evening, when I telephone the clerk's office to know my deliberated, I benefit from it to ask the greffière: “And in the file of Mr I.? It is the same audience… ”.
I hear a noise of keyboard of computer then the answer fall.
Rejected request.
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